Yellow is a high value (or light tone) color. Value or Tone – The lightness or darkness of a color eg. Yellow/ Green, Green and Blue/Green.Īnalogous Colors – Colors beside each other on the color wheel. Harmonious Color – adjacent colors on the color wheel eg. brown, khaki, yellow ochre, Burnt Sienna.Ĭomplementary Color – opposite colors on the color wheel.
Saturated Color – a color containing no more than two primaries and no black or white.Ĭompound Color – a color containing a mixture of the three primaries eg. Tertiary Color – a color between each primary and its adjacent secondary eg. Secondary Color – Orange, Green and Violet – Three colors falling half way between each or the primaries and containing a mixture of only two primaries. Primary Color – Red, Yellow and Blue, the only three pigments that cant be mixed from other pigments.